Yes. You decide if you want Connie to share your health information. You can opt out of Connie at any time by clicking on the ‘online application’ link below. Once you opt-out, your health information will be deleted from Connie within 5 business days. Once your data is deleted, your provider will not be able to search Connie for your health information. However, some providers will use Connie to send information about their patients to each other directly. This is the same as when providers share information by fax or by mail.
If a provider searched Connie for your information and put that information into their medical records before you completed your opt-out, that information will remain in that provider’s medical records.
There are exceptions. Public health reporting, such as the reporting of infectious diseases to public health officials, will still occur through the HIE after you decide to opt out. Also, Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) information, as part of the Connecticut Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, will continue to be available through the HIE to licensed providers.
Also note that Connie does not collect or share substance use disorder data that is protected under 42 CFR Part 2 regardless of whether your other health information is included in Connie and you have not opted out.
You do not have to fill out this form every year. You only need to complete the form once for yourself and will not have to fill it out for each of your health care providers We will keep this information and your decision in place until you decide to opt back in. If you are not a resident of Connecticut but see a health care provider here, and you do not wish to have your data shared through Connie, you should complete the OPT OUT form.
What Happens If I Opt Out?
Any health information that is in the HIE at the time a consumer opts out will be removed from the HIE, and no further information will be collected or shared by the HIE. If you opt out, doctors and nurses will not be able to search for your health records through the HIE, and your information will not be available in the event of an emergency. However, any information that a provider may have seen in Connie and entered into your medical record before you opted out will remain in your medical record with that provider but will not be shared through Connie.
How Do I Opt Out?
Opting out of Connie is easy. You can do it one of five ways, select the option that works best for you:
Submit the ONLINE FORM
Give us a call at 1.866.987.5514
Fax us your completed form at 1.443.817.9587
Email us your form at help@conniect.org
Mail us your completed form to:
Health Information Alliance C/O Connie
10 North Main Street, Suite 6
West Hartford, CT 06107
More questions about opting out? Visit the Patient FAQs.